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How to Crap On Your Friends for $69.95
(Plus Shipping and Handling)
You are guaranteed to find a gift for that "hard to shop for"
person in your life. Don't know how to express your thoughts to a certain
person just right? We have the answer. A Cow-Pie Clock.
The Cow-Pie Story
Our new book is a look back at the creation of Cow-Pie Clocks and the adventures
we've had! It's a hilarious memoir of healing in the pasture!
Dung in Utah
This tag assures you that our "Farm Fresh" Cow-Pies are carefully
hand-picked from millions of organically grown specimens, sun-dried in the
fields of southern Utah. It's time for some pie.
With regard to time, here's the latest poop
By Christie C. Babbit, Deseret News staff writer
PROVO - it's a dirty
job, but somebody had to think of it. Kristin Murdock, a vivacious new
business owner, is offering an interesting - if rather degusting - new
product that's caught interest inside and outside the United States:
cow-pie clocks.
Murdock admits with laughter that some people who see her cow pie creations
tell her it's sick. However, those are the same people who moments later are
telling her who they know that would like one.
"I know this is strange. It's kind of sick in a way, but it sells and it's
fun!" she said after showing off her production facility - a picnic table in
her back yard - at her Provo home.
Read the entire story...

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 A Chip Off the Ol' Clock