- You Won't Find Crap Like This At a Yard Sale!
- This Is A Crappy Present!
- We Took Your Crap, Now Take Ours!
- A Little Crap From Your Little Turds!
- A Gift, So You Won't Forget Me!
- Old Butt On Time!
- Don't Be A Poop
- You Look Like Crap
- Home Is Where The Herd Is
- Old Poop For An Old Poop
- Been There Dung That
- A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Turds (Mirror)
- No Two Turds Alike
- Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Fairest Dung Of All (Mirror)
- Got Milk?
- How Did They Get The Cow To Swallow The Clock?
- Manufactured By Smart Cows With a B.S. Degree
- Cowpies Happen!
- Join The Mooovement!
- Have a Cowpie Regularly.
- For All You Do, This Crap's For You!
- Cows of America Say "Legalize Grass"!
- Holy Crap!
- You Were Heaven Scent!
- You Were No Accident!
- You're a Chip off the ol'Clock
- So Much Crap, So Little Time!
- To The Leader Of Our Mooovement!
- To Our Favorite Turd... You Dung Good!
- Oh, I'm Pooped!
- Congratulations... You've Been Outstanding in Your Field!
- We Dung Good
- You Dung Good
- Congratulations, You Dung Good!
- It's A Bull Market - Till It Drops!
- Leader of the Crap!
- Time... Who gives a crap!
- I Plan to have a Crappy Day!
- Nice Working with you this pasture!
- ...For Years of Service
- Downloading software!
- Do not smoke.
- My Business is Dung Here.
- Manufactured in Utah
- To the Leader of Our Mooovement!
- Manufactured by Smart Cows with a B.S. Degree
- I think my Work here is Dung.
- Just Giving You A Little Crap For Christmas
- Merry Christmas & A Crappy New Year
- Our Friendship Was No Accident
- A Patty To Pick-U-Up
- When The Chips-R-Down
- Congratulations On Your B.S. Degree!
- So You Think Turning 50 Stinks!...
- Happy Birthday - You Old Poop!
- Accidents Happen, Happy Birthday Anyway!
- Nothin' Like Homemade Pie
- We Herd You Were Moooving!
- Home is where the Herd is!

- Cowpies Just Like Mother Used to Make
- For my favorite Udder-In-Law!

- We're Udderly Thrilled For Your Wedding!
- Now You've Stepped In It!
- A chip off the old clock
- Old, but on time.
- Hand-Picked, Sun Dried
- Don't be a Poop.
- Clock and Bull
- You look like crap!
- Home is where the herd is.
- Pie anyone?
- Nothin' Like Homemade Pie
- Old Poop for an Old Poop.
- My Day is Dung.
- Time for Some Pie.
- Been There, Dung That.
- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Turds.
- Here Today, Dung Tomorrow.
- Would You Like "MOO" Time in your Life?
- No two turds are alike.
- The Best Pie in Utah
- We're Having a Shitty Time.
- My Day Has Just Bedung.
- Splat!
- Cows are Big in Utah.
- Organically Grown: Hypo-Allergenic
- My Business in Dung Here.
- Mirror, mirror on the wall - who's the fairest dung of all?
- Volunteers are like Cows...
- Accidents Happen!
- You Were Heaven Scent.
- Congratulations, You've Been Outstanding in your Field!
- We Dung Good
- You Dung Good
- Life is Full of Accidents.
- This isn't the time for accidents
- You were no accident.
- Our friendship was no accident.
- I think my work here is dung.
- We Herd You Were Mooooving.
- Got Milk?
- Congratulations... You Dung Good!
- We're Udderly Thrilled for your Wedding!
- Going, Going...Dung!
- Now You've Stepped In It!
- Holy Crap!
- Pasture-ized!
- A Patty to Pick-U-Up When the Chips-R-Down.
- Watch Your Step
- Cowpies Happen!
- Cowpies Just Like Mother Use To Make
- Join the Moovement, have a cowpie regularly
- So Much Crap, So Little Time!
- It's a Thing of Beauty... Just Like My Wife!
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is That Old Poop!
- Thanks for the Great Time Last Night, Love Bessie
- To Our Favorite Turd... You Dung Good!
- There's More Where That Came From!
- Oh Crap!
- This is a Crappy Present!
- We Took Your Crap! Now Take Ours!
- A Little Crap from your Little Turds!
- This Kind of Thing Happens!
- You Won't Find Crap Like This at a Yard Sale!
- This is Tough Subject Matter!
- Oh, I'm Pooped!